Pet Loss Support Services of New Jersey
In Celebration of the Human-Animal Bond
Pet Loss Support Services of New Jersey offers a wide range of clinical, educational and consultation services to; bereaved pet owners, local animal clinics, animal welfare centers, law enforcement, military personnel and mental health professionals on the dynamics of the human-animal bond and pet loss. Clinical and Support Services include:
Individual Pet Loss Counseling
Pet Loss Support Groups
Animal Assisted Therapy
Emotional Support Animal Psychological Evaluations
Seminars and Presentations
In-Service Training for Veterinary Staff
Training and Educational Services for Licensed Mental Health Professionals - CEU's and Specialized Certification in Pet Loss Counseling pending. This is a professional training program for Licensed Mental Health Providers and NOT suitable or intended for non-licensed people.
In addition to my clinical practice and outreach services to local and national animal organizations, I have authored numerous articles on the Human-Animal Bond and Pet Loss to include scholarly research entitled, “A Phenomenological Study of Canine Loss and Grief Response: Clinical and Depth Psychological Implications” (2006) which examined the nature of the relationship humans form with their canine companions and the grief response that occurs at the conclusion of a pet's life. This research examined the correlation between disenfranchised loss and increase risk for complicated grief response, clinical depression and PTSD in marginalized groups of bereaved pet owners. From my research findings, I developed a treatment model to serve as a framework for mental health professions working to assist bereaved pet owners through this very difficult time. The unique relationship that people share with their animal companions requires an adaptive therapeutic approach when dealing with the grief response and seeks to; develop a deep understanding regarding the essence of each person's mourning process, validate and normalize the emotional and psychological reaction, help the bereaved to reconcile the loss in a way that continues to honor the relationship they had with their deceased canine companions. My passion and love for animals is the continued inspiration for her on-going efforts to raising awareness of the importance of the Human-Animal Bond and continued need for professional Pet Bereavement support services